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Veteran's Day



Veterans have distinct skills and experiences that put them in a position to be very successful in their academic pursuits; however, Veterans often face unique challenges in these settings. The VITAL program (Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership) is committed to aiding student veterans in adjusting to the academic setting, helping veterans to overcome obstacles that might impede academic success, and supporting veterans in completing their academic goals. Locally, the VITAL program serves 9 schools over a nearly 500 mile territory from Southeast Idaho to Southern Utah, with an additional 22 sites nationwide.

Peer Mentors

The working force of the VITAL program are our Peer Mentors. These individuals serve as a guide for each Veteran during their transition from military life into civilian life and this new academic setting. Peer Mentors are a wealth of knowledge regarding programs and benefits that a Veteran can utilize to make this transition easier. The assistance that each Veteran needs varies from one person to the next. In order to help us provide the assistance an individual Veteran may need, the Peer Mentors conduct informal interviews with each Veteran to identify potential issues or difficulties they may be facing.

For more information about the VITAL program, please email us here or come visit us in the Veterans Support Center in the Union building, in room 418 on the 4th floor.

If you would like to schedule an interview, please visit our Bookings page.